Differential Vacuum Actuator Assembly

About this product

The Differential Vacuum Actuator Assembly (#41400-35020), a key component in the Front Axle Housing & Differential system, plays a crucial role in controlling the drive power between the front and rear wheels of your vehicle. This Drive-Chassis part, when activated, engages the front axle drive system, helping maintain optimal driving conditions for Toyota vehicles. Over time, this part can become worn or clogged, leading to decreased functionality and potential damage to the differential system. Genuine Toyota Autoparts, like the Differential Vacuum Actuator Assembly (#41400-35020), are specifically designed to maintain peak compatibility with your vehicle, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Failing to replace this part periodically could lead to issues like unbalanced power distribution and decreased vehicle control. By ensuring that your vehicle is equipped with a well-functioning Differential Vacuum Actuator Assembly (#41400-35020), you are contributing to the overall efficiency, performance, and safety of your vehicle.