Valve Guide Bushinging Reaper STD

About this product

The Valve Guide Bushinging Reaper STD (#11122-31041), a crucial Engine-Fuel part in the Cylinder Head system of your Toyota vehicle, manages the flow of fuel within the engine. As the vehicle runs, the bushing reaper helps the valve stems to move smoothly, regulating fuel flow and ensuring efficient combustion. Like other parts, the Valve Guide Bushinging Reaper STD (#11122-31041) can wear down over time, leading to improper fuel flow and potential engine damage. When it becomes clogged or broken, it can compromise the overall function of your engine. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is vital to maintain vehicle compatibility and performance. Remember that genuine Toyota parts come with our genuine parts warranty, reinforcing their quality and reliability. By keeping the Valve Guide Bushinging Reaper STD (#11122-31041) in good working order, you can enhance the overall fuel efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 11122-31040;11122-0P020
Part Number 11122-31041

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