Differential Lock Cover

About this product

The Differential Lock Cover (#41456-60010), a key component in the Drive-Chassis Front Axle Housing & Differential and the Drive-Chassis Rear Axle Housing & Differential systems, plays a crucial role in safeguarding the differential lock. Its task is to protect the differential lock mechanism from external contaminants and damage, maintaining optimal vehicle performance. Using genuine Toyota Autoparts such as the Differential Lock Cover (#41456-60010) contributes significantly to vehicle compatibility and performance longevity. These genuine parts come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Neglecting the periodic replacement of this part can lead to serious mechanical issues. An old, broken or clogged Differential Lock Cover (#41456-60010) compromises the differential lock, which can cause drivetrain damage and hamper vehicle control, thus posing a safety risk. In conclusion, a functional Differential Lock Cover (#41456-60010) not only ensures the longevity of the differential system but also contributes to the overall vehicle safety and efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 41456-60010

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