Differential Breather Tube

About this product

The Differential Breather Tube (#41533-60080), an integral component in Toyota's Front Axle Housing & Differential system, maintains optimal pressure inside the differential housing. While the vehicle is in operation, this Drive-Chassis part allows air to move in and out of the differential housing. This compensates for changes in volume caused by temperature fluctuations and gear oil movement. Aging or a clogged Differential Breather Tube (#41533-60080) can impair its function, leading to a buildup of pressure. This can result in leaks and even failure of the differential seals, consequently affecting the vehicle's performance. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Differential Breather Tube (#41533-60080), an unsung hero of the drive chassis, contributes to the vehicle's overall efficiency and safe operation. Regular replacement is key to maintain vehicle performance.