Differential Lock Actuator Breather Tube Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Differential Lock Actuator Breather Tube Sub-Assembly (#41507-60010), a key component in the Front Axle Housing & Differential system of your Toyota vehicle, primarily functions to facilitate proper ventilation for the differential lock actuator. This tube ensures air can flow freely in and out of the actuator, preventing pressure buildup and potential mechanical damage. An essential Drive-Chassis part, this sub-assembly requires periodic replacement. If it becomes worn out, obstructed, or non-functional, increased pressure can lead to actuator failure, impairing your vehicle's performance and potentially compromising safety. Remember, using genuine Toyota parts enhances compatibility with your vehicle. Plus, Toyota's genuine parts warranty supports all our components. By maintaining your Differential Lock Actuator Breather Tube Sub-Assembly (#41507-60010), you help your vehicle to run smoothly and enhance your driving experience.